Indie-Lincs 2016: Being Nice; The Invention of the Perpetual Motion Machine; Everyday Is Like Sundae

Being Nice | Leah Revivo, 2015

  • Reviewed by Daniel Sheppard

Unapologetic in delivery and substance, through the socially inept Esther (Ingrid Dahle), Being Nice seeks to explore how the social construction of “being nice” can be both ridiculous and deviously savage. Desperate for acceptance, Esther attempts to forge friendships with her colleagues. However, she soon learns that a forged friendship means a forged sense of honesty, and only she can be accepted by a true friend who will listen to her true words. Everyone loves an underdog, and Esther proves to be no exception. Basic and literal, she is both written and performed to radiate haplessness, and thus it becomes impossible not to care about her self, her dreams, and her ambitions. Of course, the unintentionally hilarious lines she speaks also help towards this, placing a perfectly constructed character into a pleasing cinematic aesthetic.

Being Nice

The Invention of the Perpetual Motion Machine | Steve Young, 2015

  • Reviewed by Ryan Keen

Steve Young presents this comedy about a young man who creates a machine that can sustain unlimited energy; presenting his invention to a board of marketing executives who can barely believe or understand what is in front of them. One of the shortest films in the Indie-Lincs 2016 selection, Young does a terrific job in telling the story in a light and fresh manner. Throughout the film, a message of optimism — the ringing of a “glass half full” life — suggests that life isn’t to be taken so seriously. This comedic romp is something everyone can relate to, and contains something that can be treasured in this brilliantly funny short.


Everyday Is Like Sundae | Tom Diffenthal, 2015

  • Reviewed by Anna Richards

Described as a story of overcoming mutual shyness, ice cream and dead pets; Everyday Is Like Sundae is a charming love story — predictable by formula —  between loner Daniel (Rob Auton) and Polly (Molly Naylor), the owner of an ice cream van. Directed and produced by Tom Diffenthal, this short is set in the seaside town of Morecambe. Whilst the town is dead in February, Polly still opens her ice cream van, solely receiving custom from Daniel. Here, as romance blossoms, Naylor and Auton shape the film into something great; their performances offering a wonderful eccentricity as the oddball couple.


For more information on Indie-Lincs 2016, including information on scheduled screenings, special events, film descriptions, awards, and tickets; check out our Indie-Lincs article or visit the Indie-Lincs website.

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