TV Review: Narcos – Season 1

In Netflix’s latest original outing, they tackle the rise and fall of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar in a crime drama that brings the company back to its roots.

Netflix has been a dominant force in recent years, best known for its binge-worthy shows. Once they had the budget, the online streaming service started to create their own original content. This risk paid off by bringing in a wider audience to binge on delicious shows such as House of Cards (2013 -) and Orange Is the New Black (2013 -) but in their latest offerings, their form has started to slip with shows like Marco Polo (2014 -) not hitting the mark.

Narcos 01As a Netflix user, I would long to do nothing more than sit for hours on end, totally engrossed in what I was watching, but recently I became bored; there were moments where I even contemplated turning off the television and venturing outside! Finally though, on Friday 28th August, Netflix unveiled Narcos, a brand new show that would allow me to achieve my goals and sit around doing nothing, encapsulated in a world that would thrill, shock, and entertain me to my core.

Narcos follows a shared viewpoint of the same story. We follow DEA agent Steve Murphy from Miami to Colombia as he tries to track down his criminal counterpart, Pablo Escobar, who builds his dream of a glorious empire built on cocaine.

Every performance in the series is done with ease, making the characters engaging and believable, but the real shining star here is Wagner Moura, who reveals Escobar’s kind heart towards the people who matter to him, his eccentricities, his desire and hunger to be a voice for the voiceless, and most importantly the fear he can force upon others.

Narcos 02The series also features original footage of the real people involved in the plot of taking down Escobar’s empire. With these original footage clips and Boyd Holbrook’s Goodfellas-esque voiceover, the show is taken to new heights to not only entertain, but educate a younger audience that may not perhaps know the story of Pablo Escobar and his eventual demise.

Although Colombia is now a peaceful country, at the time war was everywhere and destruction was lurking around every corner, but this does not stop the cinematographers working within the series to find the beauty of Colombia amongst all the carnage, showing beautiful backdrops and scenery in every episode.

A show that has style and knows exactly the type of audience it’s targeting, Narcos is truly a series that sees Netflix originals return to form, finally giving its audience what they want: something to binge on and never get bored of.

What did you think of the first season of Narcos?

Comment with your thoughts.

Ryan Keen

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